Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Experiment: Mobile Apps

Yesterday, I was out and about all day, so I had to rely completely on my mobile apps to keep up with the experiment.

I can't say I was too impressed with Bloggers.

It stayed true to the simplified format that won me over before, but the app is too simple. As far as I could tell, all you can do from it is read posts and write posts. I'd not a bad app, exactly, but I didn't feel like I was really using a mobile extension of Blogger. It was more for like, I don't, emergency blogging? Like you're out and about and simply have to post this photo or this comment - much more like Twitter for your blog, in my opinion. I wanted my stats, mostly (oh vanity) but aside from that, the four large icons that are my only choices just didn't seem like enough.

This round goes to Word Press, Blogger. Sorry.

[edit to add: I'm using an iPhone 4, if anyone was curious.]

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