Monday, December 2, 2013

A poem

Found this while pawing through old work. It's a few days late, maybe, but still fun. Enjoy!

It must be done while everyone sleeps
In the lost hours of the night
When even the moon’s eye has been shut
And the dog’s tell tale tail lies still
You must open the door swiftly
Inching stealth always creaks
But if you move with a surety of purpose
None will be the wiser
It must be done while everyone sleeps
Drugged into dreamless stupor
You must catch them
Before they wake from the spell
Cast this night each year
For just this reason
It must be done while everyone sleeps
Your hunger for flesh
must be saited now or not at all
for when they wake
they will snatch your prize
with greedy gobbling fingers
and there will be no more
til next year
when you will try again
while everyone sleeps

Cold Turkey

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