Saturday, November 30, 2013

NaNoWriMo: Day 1

As promised, here is some actual writing. This is the raw, unedited efforts of my first NaNoWriMo day, including all the notes I decided to talk on the process. That part was a lot of fun, and I'm pretty excited to go back and break it all down and see when I wrote best and what conditions I was writing under and my avg. words per min. and stuff like that.
For the first day, I had to work all that day, went home for what should have been the night but turned out to be just a small break, then came back and wrote some more. All in all, I'm pretty happy with what I got, given the circumstances.

The Experiment: Circle of Blog

The Experiment - Oops

The Experiment

Part of what I want to do with this blog is experiment with Blogger vs. Word Press. I've heard good things about both, and want to just dabble around and see what I do and don't like about each.

The idea is to more or less have both blogs mirror each other, which the only real differences being where I explore each platform. So the "Writes" content will be the same, but anything tagged as "The Experiment" will be all about my experience with the platform directly. Less about writing, more about publishing.

So, for anyone curious about my adventures in self-publishing, follow along here and at

I'll try to talk mostly about blogger here, and mostly about word press there, but I won't flat avoid mentioning them on each other because sometimes direct comparisons are what I'm doing, but I'll keep it to a minimum.

First thoughts

So here we go

NaNoWriMo is over, and now I have this lovely pile of 50,000 words to play with. Maybe I just got addicted to having an online platform to track my progress with, but I really feel inspired to start putting my work out there.
This blog is a test run for how I feel about internet publishing, and to help me get my feet wet, see what works for me, see what doesn't. It'll be an adventure, and one I'd love to take you on with me, if you'd like to come along for the ride.
So this blog is for anyone who writes, anyone who wants to write but hasn't yet for whatever reason, anyone who has ever thought about self-publishing internet serials, and anyone who likes to watch crazy people do crazy things.
Shall we begin?