Sunday, August 3, 2014

First Solo Bake!

I'm a little over halfway through my baker training at Panera, and I worked my first shift by myself this morning. I'm REALLY happy with how all my bread turned out.
Country Miche
That one in the middle is pretty much perfect.

French Miche
These are both lovely. They might be my favorite out of the whole bake.

Three Cheese Miche
These smell SOOO good when they're baking, and I love the way the little bits of cheese brown up.

Sesame Semolina Miche
This is probably my favorite to eat. I love the nutty taste and the light texture.

Rye Miche
These are my favorite to score- I think they look like happy little owls!

Whole Grain Miche
These guys always seem too dark to me- which means I got them exactly right. I'm always baking too light.

Tomato Basil Xtra Large Loaf
These guys also smell lovely, and they turn the most lovely shade of orangey brown.

These guys are a little light though. But still tasty, and the crumb on top always browns up nicely so they're still looking pretty good. :)

All-Natural White Miche
I love how shiny these guys are! And they have a bad habit of bubbling, so I'm really happy mine didn't.
Pan Breads: Cinnamon Raisin, Honey Wheat and All-Natural White

My scores on these are AWESOME! IMHO. You have no idea how it is for me to score bread right.

Iced Shortbread Cookies, Flip-flop shaped
And I've always been insanely proud of my flip-flop cookies from the beginning. Piping skills for the win!

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