Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Experiment: Circle of Blog

...maybe it's because it a "new" feature (still seeing that stupid + thing every time I want to write)
Ok. Pretty easy to go in and find out how to turn off the "Please post this to G+ every time you breathe!" function. I'm going to leave it on (or maybe switch to auto-share) but only share it with my blog circle.

So, if you actually want to see things on your G+ let me know and I'll add you to the blog circle. Otherwise, I don't want to bombard all you people still dumb enough to call me friend with all this blogging crap (cause I'm sure that would put a dent in the ranks of you all : P)

Also, I promise I will slow down with all the posting once the shininess of this all wears off a bit.

Thanks for sticking with me, and I promise I'll post some ACTUAL WRITING soon!


P.s. I seem to have suddenly forgotten how to tag this crap. Bear with me (I feel like my mom :/ "I'm so computer illiterate! Um, el-oh-el?" Save me from myself : P)

edit: nope, not the #TheExperiment, at least not where I put it in here. But upon editing I DID find the label button again, so mission accomplished :D

edit some more: Oooh, it's also REALLY easy to mass label all my posts in the overview thingie - I really like blogger so far. It's a lot like using pretty much every other google thingie I already use, so I feel like I know it already. Familiarity is a comforting thing when venturing forth into the unknown.

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