As I've mentioned, my writing partner (Caitlin) and I tend to work on multiple things at once when we write together. It makes sure we each have something to work on when we sit down to write together, for one, and we tend to get distracted and follow plot/character bunnies for two. Currently, we're running ...4? stories in the same world (same neighborhood, actually) and same time frame at once, and so the plot lines are a lovely tangle mess. To keep ourselves straight on what we've already written, we tend to take pretty extensive notes.
These are the notes from Haven, the story I wrote my NaNo to learn more about. The events of my NaNo take place two years before my real time Haven, so you'll see some familiar characters, and some new ones as well. There's also even a proper excerpt at the bottom, so real writing for "Day 8" Hooray!
- Spend some time with Jon and Lena -book mark Karaoke night
- Don't forget, Rook will call/text Jon about picking up invites
- Calls from Nica? Maybe...
- Do things with Maddie and Elena, if we feel up to it at any point, and if we don't, whatever, I'm not really that into it either. - bookmarks To do – Maddie/Elena To do – wolf things
- Yoga? I dunno
- More writing with Zig and Rain inside, but probably not
Tues- help rook test neutralizing, pizza
Text: Hey lady, buried under a mountain of “Your mom is (macadamia) nuts” yet? time: after 11a
J: Yeeeah, still baking. Too much baking.
R: I could come over and distract you with my I must tell you this in person news ^^
J: Tell me later over cookies? Time: midafternoon
R: Kk, just say when. I'm really not doing anything important today
Rook orders pizza, probably closer to 7 or 9 Rain texts at some point while they're at dinner
R: Still baking??
J:answers after the Zig text Hey, sorry, long night. Catch up with ya tomorrow?
R: Sounds good. Lunch?
J: Can't do lunch, how bout dinner?
R: Kk, text me whenever :)
Rain spends the morning reading, cause she's all tired. Then wed is eaten up by Maddie, spends the day with Elena and Maddie. Elena and Maddie stay the night, go to yoga together.
R:First you never call for dinner, now you're not at yoga, what's up?
J:Sorry, long story – drained myself yesterday afternoon and been sleeping it off. Dinner tonight?
R:Sure if you're up for it, no need to push yourself on my account. :)
R:I could bring you something?
J:Still too early to tell how I'll feel later – I'll let you know closer to dinner what I'm up for.
Rain jumped a little when he phone went off, but as she checked it she remembered dinner plans.
J:Still up for dinner?
Sure she started to shoot back, then thought about it for a moment and added, I go to you, you come to me or meet somewhere?
“My friend Jules,” she said to the girls. She wasn't sure if Elena knew Jules or not, but it felt less vague than just “my friend”, less like a brush off. “We were supposed to have dinner, but she's had a rough week so we've had to put it off. But it worked out, cause I got to meet you,” she said with a warm smile to Maddie.
J:I need a night in. Want to pick something up and I’ll pay you back?
“Apparently I'm heading over to her place. I dunno how long I'll be, but I can tweak Rook's charm to let you in my back door as well as the guest room, if you want.” Her brow furrowed in thought, she didn't know how bad off Jules was right now since she'd drained herself. Couldn't be too bad if she'd been able to fuel her wards while she slept it off, unless she'd stayed with Jan? At any rate, it wasn't hers to tell and it didn't really affect the other girls anyways, except in when to expect Rain home.“I can always text you guys when I know better what we're doing. It's whatever.”
Again, anything to say?
She'd bum some cash off Rook when she asked him to tweak the charm. And then more tweaking, because will Elena offer her a ride, will Jon offer her a ride, so many things to decide before we get to
Can do. Sammiches or burgers, since I’m walking :P
J:Sandwich? Italian, please. And thanks… I promise there are cookies waiting when you get here. : )
Since it was night time, she opted for her full pea-coat, in addition to the hat and scarf set Jules had made her. If she got too warm she could always unlayer, but not a lot fixed being too cold when you were too dumb to grab a jacket.
Also, Frost was walking with her, and it could be full summer and she'd still be shivering with him this close.
“It's just Jules' apartment, you over protective old dog,” she muttered, half annoyed, half picking on him. “You don't have to shadow me everywhere I go.
And I don't – when the sun is up.
She sighed and kept walking, determined not to let the worry wort drag her down. So what if she was technically just as vulnerable as she had been a year ago – she was better trained now, she could set a protection bubble and even knock out a few bad guys on her own. But the reality still was that anyone that really wanted her could take her when she left the protection of Rook's wards. Unless Frost was there to take care of her.
Damnit, she'd been so set on not getting bummed out like this. She didn't want to think about her responsibilities or her destiny or whatever. Or Star or training or vamps or fay or any politicking bullshit, honestly. She wanted to grab some sandwiches, a big bag of chips and some dip and go park herself on Jules' couch and just be girly together for a few hours. All the crap with Maddie had reminded her how treacherous the supernatural world could be, and how very, very lucky she was her allies had found her before her enemies and –
Frost bumped her with his shoulder, sending a shiver down her spine. She turned to glare at him without thinking about it, not bothering to be embarrassed about staring at something that wasn't there as far as most people could tell. Before she could grumble anything at him, however, he interrupted the thought with one of his own.
Don't borrow trouble from tomorrow, or yesterday. That's my job.
She rolled her eyes at him and started walking again, feeling better for his grim attempts to cheer her. That was pure Frost. She wondered sometimes if he ever smiled, but the way his big wolfie tongue lolled out of his mouth as they continued down the street left no doubt. He was teasing her, but he also meant it. He wanted her to be happy, to enjoy her “childhood” while she could. Never mind that she was tired of everyone calling her “child” and “kiddo”, but at least this time she didn't mind to much. If he wanted to stand between her and her staggering future, let him, for as long as he wanted to.
They reached the sandwich shop without incident, Frost vanishing like he did when she went inside. She knew he was still there, lingering just out of sight, making sure no harm came to her while she ordered an Italian and a Club with avocado. Because deli meats were so treacherous.
Food in hand, she shot a quick text to Jules to let her know she was nearly there. With any luck, Jules would be ready to let her in with a quickness, so she didn't have to watch the painful process of Frost pacing back and forth to scare off any nefarious evening joggers or suspicious dog walkers.
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