Sunday, December 1, 2013

A vampire's resume

 Remember in my post about world building how I mentioned having tons of strange files, from maps to resumes?

I wasn't kidding.

I had one character, a minor background character in a minor background story SO INSISTENT about existing and being fleshed out that I literally could not write around her. She stood in the front of my head, arms spread wide, refusing to move until I sat down to write with her.

Unfortunately, her headspace is very different from mine, so much so that I couldn't get a good bead on her, until I tried to type out exactly what her application to Xavier's kiss would look like. I got with my writing buddy, had her hammer out a few questions the new kiss would likely ask, pulled up a resume writing tutorial, and got this little nugget.


Saitou Hannah
Position, Gerald's kiss
Manhattan, NY
(321) 123-1234

RE: Business Manager position in Xavier's kiss

I am interested in the position generally because I would like to relocate somewhere a little less metropolitan but that still has a healthy arts community. While I would like to continue my work in managing the business endeavors of those more active in the creative scene than myself, I have grown weary of the constant political expectations that seems to be the price for operating in a nest renown for its culture and hospitality. I would prefer to settle into simplicity, rather than continue my attempts to duck gracefully out of the public eye without making a scene. I fear at this point, I am too well known locally for such anonymity.

I am interested in your kiss specifically because of its patronage of the Blue Moon Events at the Asylum. I have worked intimately with a local dancer troupe supported by my current kiss, and am curious about the working of this “chimera's nest” as I've heard it sometimes called. I am also interested in pursuing some of the local art talent blossoming on the nearby college grounds, perhaps helping promising young talent network with the right people via my current connections here.

Qualifications: over 100 years experience in management and bookkeeping for various kiss assets, including a 10 year service on the kiss Treasury committee, business manager of assorted properties, and promoter/agent for local dance troupe.

Special considerations:
Adept at many forms of contact and non-contact alternative feeding styles (translation for the rest of us: Can feed off things like skin touch, general emotions, possibly creativity? It could be a talking point for interviewing, but typically considered rude to flat out ask in other settings – but important for her nest higher ups to know, so not rude to ask here), minimal combat skills (read: no special fighting powers or training. Sub-read: i'm a conniving bitch, fuck that fighting bullshit i'll just manipulate everyone.)
(also, the absence of her saying anything else will indicate she's not a particularly “powerful” vamp – no extra goodies or she'd have mentioned it)

Education: She had a degree, in what? Where? Some form of business management. She likes crunching numbers and organizing things, loves to be a behind the scenes kinda person, finds it very satisfying when it all comes together “so effortlessly”

Relevant Experience:
Currently Head of Business affairs for SuchandSuch Museum. Oversees events and fundraising, coordinates food and entertainment for said events, plays hostess, book keeper, trainer of other book keepers, etc.

Has managed a performance lounge (Lotus Lounge)

done work as troupe promoter for [dance nest]

Served on kiss Treasury board from 19?? to 19??

Has managed other properties, what? Hotel, I think, and something else...

Other Experience: Ambassador relations work for kiss, both as solo and backup to someone else on point. Comfortable dealing with foreign political bodies, including witch councils, shifters packs/pards/etc., fey sithens, and various supernatural enclaves and solitaries.

References available upon request

  1. Author's Notes
  2. affiliations section (handled in “address” cause physical address seemed irrelevant): Affiliations: Gerald's Kiss, Manhattan, New York, Hive of Lord Casey's kiss, London, 1864 (cross check) Current position/rank: Is this a thing? Confer with caitGerald's Kiss in Manhattan, New York, you fucking bitch – how hard is that? From a London Kiss that hived when New York became more than just immigrant port (rough time frame? Quick history ref please) (personal note: captured as part of the british empire back in the day. Classic man want man take man get violent with and accidentally beat to death. Somebody (ooh, who who who?) found her nearly dead in the street, asked her if she wanted to live – what was her answer?!@!)
Current position: Think about ranking system, but she's a mid-range person, not quite red shirt but not on the bridge. A useful tool for ranking members to have with them at various events, but doesn't do a lot of solo work, out of her own preference and an abundance of people already willing to do it. Plays hostess at museum events, sets them up, plans them, etc. but is NOT head curator, so not a big deal to lose her. Keeps extensive notes, so will be easy to train a replacement.
  1. Needs its own section [special considerations], think about how vamps would word that sort of thing: Strengths: Very good at delicate political games, “well cultured”, history of playing the escort, able to navigate nest hierarchy with ease (read: manipulate trouble makers) Weaknesses: Difficulty asserting herself (reword/think that) Not particularly “strong”, relies on wit over might, highly recognizable, so comes with a past (a favorable one, however)
  2. Handled in Other experiences: Gets along very well with dances (has ballet training herself), handles fey word games well, can even play nice with witches (a very hard trick for some). Has some difficulty with shifter groups when females aren’t taken seriously, but will make threats where appropriate to get her point across (typically however, violence is a last resort here)
  3. Part of Objective?: The on paper answer is “To broaden her horizons.” Worked into that carefully will be veiled nods to her “situation” that a savvy reader would be able to interpret with ease
  4. Also part of Objective? The infamous Asylum nest, as well as many local artists, and a preference for dealing with witches over shifters, for example. The local climate seems well suited to her skill set
  5. Handled in Relative and Other Experiences, I think: Excellent politician/ambassador, plays well with others, knowledgeable about cultural things, could maintain high standards in any snooty business (gods the wording). Helps maintain a sense of kiss harmony, could also help build/maintain good relations with other groups. Also, since somewhat well known, would offer a touch of class (good credentials basically)
  1. Again, handled in relevant and other experiences, I think

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