Friday, January 3, 2014

The Experiment: On Vacation

Alright, it's been a while since I've done a comparison piece, so here we go.
I took most of the past two weeks off from work, from blogging, from everything. No one is really surprised, I'm sure. Today's comparison is a little thing, but I think in the long run it's pretty important to the success of a blog - how often the author thinks about it.
I haven't thought about my blogger once in all this vacation time. Once I cued up the posts for both sites, I stopped thinking about blogger and hadn't thought about it again until writing my New Year's post and realizing I'd need to copy/paste it to both locations.
Without my word press blog, this whole project probably would have died.
My WP keep sending me little emails about this or that post being liked (Thanks, everyone! I'm glad you liked it!), or having new followers (Hello!), and while I didn't have enough Internet access to check anything (home is in backwoods Ohio), knowing that it was there, making people happy or think or simply click like because they were compelled to do so by little green aliens - it made a difference. It kept me thinking about what I wanted to in January, when NaNo recap would be over. It made me wonder what my new followers were like, if I'd another great blog I'd like to follow, made me excited to catch up on the ones I'm following now.
I guess what I'm saying is Word Press left me with a better sense of community.
I don't know if that's because my G+ is mostly empty, or if WP is just easier to set things up in, or purely baseless, but in keeping me feeling connected, this round goes to Word Press.

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